

Efpia Transparency Code - Report

Publication of data on relations between companies and doctors: Responsible Transparency

Since 30 June, data relating both to collaboration relations between Laboratori Guidotti S.p.a. and Health Care Professionals (HCPs) and Health Care Organisations (HCOs) and to Research and Development (R&D) have been available on our website.

Absolute transparency with the publication of this data is the choice that drug companies have made with full conviction, adopting Farmindustria's Code on Disclosure, in implementation of the EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations) Code.

The long-standing, well-regulated collaboration between drug companies and physicians is divided into several areas of activity:

  1. research and development of new drugs through studies carried out in hospitals, universities and public and private healthcare facilities;

  2. scientific consultancy;

  3. scientific seminars and conferences, providing information and updates;

  4. support for congresses and CME (Continuing Medical Education) courses organised by public facilities, universities, scientific societies and CME accredited providers.

It is precisely the exchange of knowledge between companies and physicians, with their wealth of knowledge and experience in the field, that makes it possible to gather useful information for research and development and, therefore, to have drugs that are increasingly effective for patients' health needs.

These relationships, in addition to being governed by national and international standards, are based on mutual respect of roles, within a transparent framework of deontological rules of Farmindustria, which provide for rigorous checks carried out according to precise investigative procedures by third-party bodies, chaired by magistrates appointed by the President of the Court of Cassation.

You can access the data - published in full compliance with Italian privacy regulations - on the individual professionals who have signed the consent and, in aggregate form, on all the others.

For a correct reading of the data, we specify that :

  • amounts are expressed in €;

  • amounts are net of VAT and gross of RA;

  • amounts refer to the accrual accounting principle; In this regard, we specify, in the spirit of ensuring the utmost transparency while guaranteeing the correctness and certainty of the data, that on 30 June 2023 (‘Publication Date’) the data referring to the accrual year 2022 will be published for which by the Publication Date the company will have effectively defined and concluded all control and administrative procedures. Any data referring to the accrual year 2022 but for which, as of the Date of Publication, the aforesaid process has not yet been completed, for the sake of effective transparency and certainty of the data reported, will be published (through an update of the related report) only once all the assessment and control processes have been completed. In line with the above, the data for the accrual year 2021 has been updated.